Not the sitcom, dummy!
Inching towards adulthood (or apparently, already being there) is not the best thing to happen. Well frankly, its nice to be here. Perks like freedom, independence.. Its worth the pain of responsibilities. Plus you still get to choose your mental age (which is stuck at 15 years, for me :P)
And since this is a pre-birthday (God I am so excited! Manolos here I come! VS too :D) post, I shall make a wish-list, for all you sweethearts <3 <3 <3 (Maska is the need of the hour :D)
So, I want for my birthday...
1. Date with Woody Allen in Bryant Park. (It's his birthday too! :) )
2. Trip to Goa with Dee and Kits. (Betch Kits you'd better go again with Dee and me! :-/)
3. 10 lbs to suddenly vanish off me.
4. To learn to smile more often. I've realized the importance. Its so much more than just a lame thing to say when one's low. It really works. Especially for those labeled "
scary" :)
5. That job I'm eyeing :D
6. A gooooooooood back rub - aromatherapy candles and all.
7. Sexy Manolo's and VS goodies :D
8. A little golden labrador puppy (and to afford to take care of her/him:))
9. An occassion to wear saree! (I've been itching to, but just can't find the right occassion :-/ All those single and looking, please take note. Get married soon so my wish is fulfilled! :P)
10. Morrissey to play in Balto again, and front seat tickets to the gig. Wait, did I mention hot date to go with? :D Essential. Very.
So there.
PS: Woody, I'm serious. Dec 1st, 7 pm, Bryant Park. And don't forget the clarinet.