It took me 3 days to think of a gmail id. And another two for the name of the blog. And of course, another day, to think of the blog link name. Why is it so difficult to pick names?
When I started thinking about this blog name, I thought I wanted it to represent who I am. I thought about it for long, attempted registering a few, but none were available. I wonder what would happen if they did that for names, in general. Well, the world would be a much safer place - with a lot more words than we know!
I finally thought of my most favourite Mahavishnu Orchestra composition. And that's what my email is about.
mango currency sivananda ngcs giees taster descriptor blockbuster deep optima inhaf
lolikneri havaqatsu
You made some excellent points there. I did a search about the subject and barely found any specific details on other websites, but then great to be here, seriously, thanks.
- Lucas
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